Day 5 (6.16.2022): Are we REALLY doing Improv?! by Abbe Newman

When I heard we were doing improv, I figured it would be a joke and a way to get our energy out. While it was very fun and brought out many laughs like I knew it would, it did teach us a couple lessons that are important to remind ourselves of every so often. We were taught to be open to things that come our way in life because although they may be unexpected, they can turn out great. The biggest takeaway I gained from our improv instructor is to say yes in our lives more often. We tried an improv technique where you just continue the conversation by saying “yes and…”. We learned that saying yes gives you more opportunities and allows you to move on if things go wrong in your life. You just continue on with life and say yes to whatever comes next. Lastly, it can simply just improve experiences in the smallest of ways. I really did enjoy the laughs I got out of the improv with Cohorts 8&9, I’m very happy I was able to learn to have a lighter outlook on life. 