Day 5 (6.16.2022): Visiting Mount Herzl by Shana Steinberg

Our group spent the morning with Benji Davis, one of our favorite icnext educators. The destination was Mount Herzl, the site of Israel’s national cemetery, found on the west side of Jerusalem beside the Jerusalem Forest.

It is named after Theodor Herzl, the founder of the political form of modern Zionism and Herzl’s tomb lies at the top of the hill. The movement had an enormous impact eventually leading to the establishment of the Jewish homeland. Mount Herzl is Israel’s national cemetery, and many influential leaders and other important figures are buried here. Some of the tombstones we visited included Theodore Herzl, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Yitzhak Rabin, Golda Meir, and Chanah Senesh. It was surprisingly hard to comprehend that these were real people. Seeing their gravesites really helped us to realize that by making a difference in the world, people will remember you for generations. I really think this experience inspired all of us to strive for greatness. 
