Day 4 (6.15.2022): The Best Tour Guide by Melissa Rothschild

Yad Vashem is a truly eye opening experience, and with the right tour guide, the experience can become much more personal. With our guide, Shoshana, I can confidently say every single one of us had that personal and deep experience. Shoshana made aliyah 9 years ago, and decided she wanted to teach, but not in a classroom. Shoshana has always found the Holocaust to be an incredibly intriguing time. She decided to become a tour guide here, as well as in Poland, to expand awareness of the severity of the Holocaust. Her hope is that in the future, we will  continue to teach. Shoshana regularly studies Torah with a Holocaust survivor and keeps in touch with many survivors she knows. She says that this connection truly helps her to give such a good presentation. I’m very impressed with the tour she gave. Although I have been to the museum before, Shoshona gave the experience a new meaning for me.