Day 4 (6.15.2022): A Leader Forever by Gabi Kalir

Today we met in Jaffa with Assaf Boker, an educator that we have worked with on Zoom. Assaf is a leader who speaks with confidence. He makes sure that he is always heard. He asks challenging questions to keep his audience engaged. Assaf feels a sense of mission to teach teens about stories that he thinks are important. Today’s lesson combined history and religion. He talked about Judaism being known for its monotheistic beliefs. Jonah, the great Jewish profit who has a book named after him, tries to escape a certain place to get away from God. This means that he doesn’t believe in God’s power because he thinks that he can escape God by escaping a certain place. Even the great profit Jonah is not perfect. This shows us that being good in Gods eyes does not mean you need to be perfect. God does not expect perfection. Asaf thinks this is a very important lesson and it was very interesting to me. Asaf also thinks it is his job to tell this story of Israel to as many people as he can. His job is never finished. He feels that he is connected to Israel and he should learn as many perspectives as he can to get the least bias storytelling. This is why Asaf Boker is a leader in my eyes. 