icnext 5: 70 Perspectives of Israel '17


Photographs in this exhibit were taken by the 18 student members of israel.cleveland.next (icnext) Cohort 5, during their Israel

Mission in June of 2017. Creating and curating this exhibit is one of their leadership engagement projects. The exhibit will travel to various educational settings throughout our community, and students will act as exhibit docents, engaging and educating those who see it about Israel. icnext is a unique 2-year program that educates a dedicated group of Cleveland’s Jewish 10th and 11th graders to become the next generation of Israel advocates in high school and on their college campuses. icnext prepares Israel advocates and Jewish leaders.

During the 2 years of involvement, participants have seminars, an exchange program with teens from Beit Shean/Emek HaMayanot, a 10-day fact-finding trip to Israel, and ultimately are leading educational and cultural activities designed to build understanding and support for the state of Israel. 

Members of icnext Cohort 5: Natalie Cohen, Mika Cronin, Hadas Galili, Ethan Geis, Jacqueline Gold, Alexis Gross, Cami Kaye, Tess Kelly, David Mack, Noa Marcus, Benjamin Muencz, Hailey Nudelman, Roni Peleg, Eliana Reizes, Leah Roter, Galen Silver, Robert Steiger, Jen Stovsky

israel.cleveland.next is a project of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, administered by @akiva. For an application or information about our current Cohort, contact Tina Keller at 216.367.1388, email [email protected].

From Israel advocacy, leadership training and college prep for Jewish students, to HaZamir Cleveland Choir and original Jewish theater, @akiva offers Hebrew and so much more.


Eric Leiser z"l



Welcome to the icnext Cohort 5 Photo Exhibit: 70 Perspectives of Israel ’17!

“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality is”- Anonymous. Through photography we are able to capture meaningful moments which we can look back on later and further understand the complicated world in a simple lens. 

During the June, 2017 Israel Mission, our photographs captured Israel’s architecture, culture and fashion. These pictures not only represent Israel today and its modern culture, but also how the country has evolved throughout its 70 years of existence.

Through photographs of architecture, you will be able to understand the combination of historical and modern structures that flows throughout the country. Israel has incorporated advancements and modern technologies within its buildings while also maintaining a strong, significant historic and religious presence. This can be seen both in pictures of windmills demonstrating Israel’s use of many modern forms of energy, as well as in pictures of structures in Jerusalem, representing Israel’s history and past. By allowing modern and ancient architecture to coexist within the country, Israel is creating room for advancements and evolution while also appreciating its history and beginning years.

In photographs of culture, this exhibit is a portrayal of the people of Israel and more specifically their diversity, expression of religion, and the presence of food! The people that occupy Israel in its 70th year are a complete mix of identities in both their religion and places of origin. In these photos, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Druze faiths are present. Through the expression of these different religious identities, Israel is represented as the home to a variety of backgrounds and beliefs. Connected to these beliefs are many different cultures, all adding to the community of Israel. Cultural diversity is frequently seen in food, and the photographs of food in this exhibit are a description of the Israeli environment.  

You can also explore Israeli culture through its unique fashion. As with architecture, there is a mix of modern and older, more traditional, fashions making up the Israeli catwalk. Israeli clothing presents different generations as well as transformation in industries and way of life. Israeli fashion is unique as well as fun, and through photographs of people across several ages, you can see and understand that in the fashion of Israel, modern and religious styles come together.

By experiencing Israel through these three perspectives, focusing in on Israeli architecture, culture and fashion, our Cohort has been able to use photography as a vehicle to convey our awareness of Israel after 70 years. The process of selecting pictures and organizing them was long, precise and took several revisions, but once completed it offers our insight into how Israel has transformed and progressed over time.

Enjoy our photo exhibit!

Jen Stovsky, icnext Cohort 5